
University of Eastern Finland's PDF/A Converter, BETA-version

What is a Muuntaja?

The Muuntaja is a web service that allows you to convert the following types of documents into PDF/A documents:

  • Microsoft Word DOC and DOCX
  • Regular PDF

The documents you send to the service and the PDF/A files converted from them are not available to other users. Files older than one day are automatically deleted from the service.

What is PDF/A?

A PDF/A file is a file format intended for long-term storage and archiving (ISO 19005-1:2005). Its file extension is pdf. There are several different types of PDF file formats and not all PDF files are PDF/A files. PDF/A files are compatible with the ISO 19005-1 archiving standard.

For example, theses are archived in PDF/A format.

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